Osuška z vlastních fotografií a textů pro fotbalisty
Osuška o rozměru 70x140cm z vlastních fotografií a textů. Osuška je z příjemného Frote o gramáži 400g/m², které je speciálně vyvinuté pro tisk díky spojení bavlněných vláken (50%) s polyesterovými vlákny (50%). 769 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Polštář Kde jsme spolu (Velikost: 40 x 40 cm)
Ideální dárek, který zaručeně potěší. Polštářek má rozměr 40x40 cm a skládá se z oboustranně potištěného povlaku se zapínáním a z vyjímatelné výplně. Materiál povlaku je 100% PES. 379 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Svíčka Největší kanec (Vůně svíčky: Tropické ovoce)
Luxusní svíčka ve skleněné dóze s víčkem, která vydrží hořet až 100 hodin. Svíčka má hmotnost 500g. Díky těsnícímu uzavření zůstává vůně stále intenzivní a povrch svíčky je chráněný před prachem. 449 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Víno Happy Easter (Druh Vína: Bílé víno)
Rozměr etikety: cca 90x130mm u bílých a červených vín; cca 90x100mm u etikety Prosecca. 349 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Víno Kde mám stan (Druh Vína: Bílé víno)
Rozměr etikety: cca 90x130mm u bílých a červených vín; cca 90x100mm u etikety Prosecca. 349 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Polštářek Bombový syn (Velikost: 55 x 55 cm)
Polštářek má rozměr 55x55 cm a skládá se z oboustranně potištěného povlaku se zapínáním a z vyjímatelné výplně. Materiál povlaku je 100% PES. 499 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Boccia Titanium 521-03
Dámské hodinky Boccia Titanium 521-03 disponují kulatým titanovým pouzdrem, které drží na ruce díky koženému řemínku. Ciferník který je u tohoto modelu obzvláště zajímavý, krásně doplňuje červená vteřinová ručička. 2 190 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Iron Annie Amazonas Impression 5940-2
Model Iron Annie Amazonas Impression 5940-2 předurčuje jejich elegantní vzhled hlavně pro využití do společnosti, výborně však poslouží i pro každodenní nošení. Vedle tradičního designu zaujme také výrazným ukazatelem data tzv. big date, který ocení především zájemci o přehledně zpracovaný a dobře čitelný číselník.Hodinky Iron Annie 5940-2, z modelové řady Amazonas Impression, jsou vybaveny ukazatelem data na 12. hodině. Díky funkci duálního času v subciferníku na pozici 6. hodiny je snadné zjistit… 5 593 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Swiss Military Hanowa FLAGSHIP X SMWGH2100602
Pánské švýcarské hodinky Swiss Military Hanowa FLAGSHIP X SMWGH2100602 z řady Land  si získají své fanoušky především svými vlastnostmi a skvělou cenou...Hodinky jsou vyrobeny z kvalitní oceli, ciferník chrání safírové sklíčko, které je vysoce odolné vůči poškrábání.Hodinky disponují datumovkou na pozici 3. hodiny, stopkami a luminiscenčními ručičkami a indexy.Voděodolnost modelu Swiss Military Hanowa FLAGSHIP X SMWGH2100602 je 100m (10 atmosfér). Zvládnou tedy všechny vodní sporty provozované na… 5 550 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Tričko Pondělí (Velikost: XL, Typ: pro ženy)
499 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Deka Stále sexy – Růžová (věk: 38, Podšití beránkem: ANO)
Deka je vyrobena z Fleecu 190g/m² a z druhé strany je deka podšitá imitací beránka, která je velmi příjemná na dotyk. Rozměr deky 140x200cm. 2 099 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Polštář Stále sexy – růžový (Velikost: 40 x 40 cm, věk: 89)
Narozeninový polštářek s motivem konfet a balónky s věkem oslavence je milým a praktickým dárkem. Potisk je stálobarevný a otěruvzdorný. Snímatelný potah na zip + výplň. Materiál Interlock 100% PES. 379 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Polštář Tobě už je vážně tolik? (Velikost: 40 x 40 cm, věk: 83)
Veselý polštářek s motivem medvídka s dárečkem. Potisk je stálobarevný a otěruvzdorný. Snímatelný potah na zip + výplň. Materiál Interlock 100% PES. 379 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Orient Contemporary Ladies RA-NB0101B
Hodinky Orient RA-NB0101B Ladies patří do řady Orient Contemporary a svým elegantním vzhledem jsou určené především do společnosti, hodí se však i na každodenní nošení.Pouzdro hodinek Orient RA-NB0101B10B je vyrobeno z ušlechtilé oceli v klasickém stříbrném provedení a v jeho nitru najdeme mechanický strojek Orient 55542, který je opatřen automatickým nátahem s možností ručního nátahu a rezervou chodu 40 hodin. Jemný, výborně přehledný černý číselník, je chráněn minerálním sklíčkem. Vyzdvihnout si… 5 790 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Hrnek Psí láska je věčná (Náplň hrníčku: Žádná)
299 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Calvin Klein Masivní ocelový náramek Shade KJ3YMD00010 5,4 x 4,3 cm - XS
Šperky značky Calvin Klein jsou dodávány v originálním balení , které je označené logem (papírová krabička nebo plastová etue) . Způsob balení si není možné zvolit . Nápis "Calvin Klein" na šperku se z důvodu odlišné šarže výroby nemusí shodovat s fotografií vyobrazenou na našich webových stránkách . Existují tři styly - ck Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein a CALVIN KLEIN . 800 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Hot Diamonds Stříbrný květinový náhrdelník Forget me not DP748
Šperky Hot Diamonds jsou dodávané v originálním balení. 1 402 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Preciosa Stříbrný náhrdelník Lynx Emerald 5268 66 (řetízek, přívěsek)
Šperk je dodáván v originálním balení. 1 795 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Oblečení Dress Starlit Night Mon Grand Poupon Corolle pro 42 cm panenku od 24 měsíců
Nová kolekce oblečení pro panenku Corolle je připravena zaplnit šatník panenky! Krásné šaty Starlit Night jsou určeny pro panenku Mon Grand Poupon. 539 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Casio G-Shock G-SQUAD GBD-200-9ER (661)
Chytré hodinky nejsou zdravotnickým zařízením. Údaje získané při jejich používání jsou pouze orientačního charakteru a neměly by být používány pro lékařský výzkum, diagnostiku nebo léčbu. 3 890 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Casio Budík TQ 369-7
Hodinky jsou dodávány s krabičkou Casio. 699 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Pierre Lannier Symphony 091L989
3 450 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Olivia Burton Secret Garden OB16FS106
3 222 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

JVD Touches J-TS43
1 890 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Brilio Silver Stříbrný zásnubní prsten RI045W 54 mm
369 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Beneto Dlouhé stříbrné náušnice se zirkony AGUP1981
Ke šperku doporučujeme dokoupit dárkovou krabičku z naší nabídky. 449 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

mamido Sada korálku pro výrobu šperků růžová
Dětská sada pro výrobu vlastních náramku pomáhá rozvíjet kreativitu, originalitu a zručnost. Při výrobě šperků děti uplatňují svou představivost, estetické cítění, zároveň posilují manuální dovednosti, rozvíjí jemnou motoriku a koordinaci rukou. Hračka je určena pro děti od 6 let.Obsah balení: 20 druhů korálků - různé velikosti a barvyŠperkovnicePokyny pro tvorbu šperků (v angličtině)Rozměry:Šperkovnice: 15 x 15 x 15 cmBalení: 56 x 31 x 5 cm 829 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Karlsson Digitální budík KA5753PI
890 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

BREIL Tribe Net EW0544
2 178 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Dřevěný lázeňský set pro panenku Spa Retreat Set Tender Leaf Toys v textilní tašce s 11 doplňky
Hrají si vaše děti rády hry pro povolání? Dřevěný lázeňský set pro panenku v textilní tašce potěší chlapce a dívky originálními doplňky z prvotřídního dřeva. 919 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Junghans Max Bill Automatic 27/3400.02
Německé hodinky Junghans Max Bill Automatic 27/3400.02 z řady Max Bill jsou oblíbené pro svůj čistý, nadčasový vzhled inspirovaný uměleckým stylem Bauhaus.Hodinky Junghans Max Bill Automatic 27/3400.02 jsou osazeny automaticky poháněným strojkem J800.1, jenž vychází ze švýcarské varianty ETA 2824 s rezervou chodu až 38 hodin. Ciferník je inspirován jednoduchostí uměleckého stylu Bauhaus. Design hodinek byl pro Junghans navrhnut švýcarským architektem, sochařem a designérem Maxem Billem v 60. letech… 34 190 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Daniel Wellington Petite 36 Melrose DW00100305
2 906 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

mamido Plyšová chobotnice s efekty modrá
Modrá chobotnice je jedinečná hračka, která jistě upoutá pozornost dětí a poskytne jim spoustu zábavy. Má 8 měkkých chapadel, která jsou ideální pro mazlení a hlazení. Po zapnutí chobotnice začne hrát veselé melodie, tančit (otáčí se a jede) a svítí barvami. To je úžasné zejména v noci, kdy barvy chobotnice vytvářejí krásný světelný efekt. Hračka se pohybuje díky kolečkům, což dodává interaktivitu a povzbuzuje děti k aktivní hře.  Rozměry: Chobotnice: 22 cm x 22 cm x 15 cmBalení: 19 cm x 15 cm x 22 cmPro zapnutí chobotnice jsou potřeba 3 AA baterie, které nejsou součástí balení. 469 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Attack on Titan: Junior High, Volume 1 (Isayama Hajime)(Paperback)
A spin-off series to the number one bestseller in Japan. Eren and Mikasa enter a new school-- Titan Junior High However, Eren's hated Titans for years-- can he get along with his new (harmless?) classmates? Featuring all of the characters from the main series as you've never seen them before, this series is sure to delight fans of Attack on Titan with a human vs. Titan volleyball match, a Titan rock band, and much more The megahit Attack on Titan anime finally returns, streaming on April 419 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Ace, King, Knave (McCann Maria)(Paperback / softback)
As both women take steps to discover the truth, their lives come together through a dramatic series of events, taking the reader through the streets of 1760s London: a city wearing a genteel civility on its surface and rife with hypocrisy, oppression and violence lurking 289 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Bond 11+: English: No Nonsense - 7-8 years (Orchard Frances)(Paperback / softback)
Bond English No Nonsense for 7-8 years has been designed by Bond to provide a thorough grounding in core English skills for children in Key Stage 2. Matched to the National Curriculum, No Nonsense books can be used to reinforce school learning, help children to get ahead in class and boost performance in SATs, 11+ and Common Entrance 237 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

The Rebel Caf: Sex, Race, and Politics in Cold War America's Nightclub Underground (Duncan Stephen R.)(Pevná vazba)
The art and antics of rebellious figures in 1950s American nightlife--from the Beat Generation to eccentric jazz musicians and comedians--have long fascinated fans and scholars alike. In The Rebel Caf , Stephen R. Duncan flips the frame, focusing on the New York and San Francisco bars, nightclubs, and coffeehouses from which these cultural icons emerged. Duncan shows that the sexy, smoky sites of bohemian Greenwich Village and North Beach offered not just entertainment but doorways to a new sociopolitical consciousness. This book is a collective biography of the places that harbored beatniks, blabbermouths, hipsters, playboys, and partisans who altered the shape of postwar liberal politics and culture. Throughout this period, Duncan argues, nightspots were crucial--albeit informal--institutions of the American democratic public sphere. Amid the Red Scare's repressive 1 437 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Handbuch Sozialpolitik (Obinger Herbert)(Pevná vazba)
Dieses Handbuch gibt einen berblick ber den aktuellen Stand der Sozialpolitikforschung. Es beleuchtet aus vergleichender Perspektive die historische Entwicklung der Sozialpolitik, ebenso wie aktuelle Herausforderungen, Reformtrends und ihre Auswirkungen. Schlie lich informiert das Handbuch ber die Theorien des Sozialstaates und die Methoden der 2 022 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Number Ten (Townsend Sue)(Paperback / softback)
Edward Clare was voted into number ten after a landslide election victory. But a few years later and it is all going wrong. The love of the people is gone. The nation is turning against him. Panicking, Prime Minister Clare enlists the help of Jack Sprat, the policeman on the door of No 10, and sets out to discover what the country thinks of 252 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

IOS App Development for Dummies (Feiler Jesse)(Paperback)
If you've got incredible iOS ideas, get this book and bring them to life iOS 7 represents the most significant update to Apple's mobile operating system since the first iPhone was released, and even the most seasoned app developers are looking for information on how to take advantage of the latest iOS 7 features in their app designs. That's where iOS App Development For Dummies comes in Whether you're a programming hobbyist wanting to build an app for fun or a professional developer looking to expand into the iOS market, this book will walk you through the fundamentals of building a universal app that stands out in the iOS crowd. Walks you through joining Apple's developer program, downloading the latest SDK, and working with Apple's developer tools Explains the key differences between iPad and iPhone apps and how to use each device's 870 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Geoffrey Bawa: Drawing from the Archives (de Silva Shayari)(Pevná vazba)
Beautifully executed architectural drawings from the great Sri Lankan architectThe Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey Bawa fused sensitivity for local context with the technological discoveries and design principles of modernism. Accordingly, Bawa often incorporated materials (local stone and timber) and layouts (high roofs, cross-ventilation, vast overhangs) specific to Sri Lanka's monsoon climate and storied architectural history--from the cave monasteries of the Anuradhapura period to the feudal Walauwa style of manor houses--into his modernist designs. Gathering together essays by scholars and writers across a multitude of disciplines--including architecture, photography, geography, urban design and art history--this volume spotlights Bawa's exceptionally beautiful architectural drawings, delving into the central, multipronged role of the medium in his 1 244 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Hybrid Poly-Generation Energy Systems: Thermal Design and Exergy Analysis (Mehrpooya Mehdi)(Paperback)
Hybrid Poly-generation Energy Systems: Thermal Design and Exergy Analysis provides an analysis of the latest technologies and concepts of hybrid energy systems, focusing on thermal applications. The book guides readers through an introduction to hybrid poly-generation systems and the storage options available before working through the types of hybrid systems, including solar, fuel cells, combustion, and heating and cooling. An analysis of the economic and environmental impact of each system is included, as well as methods and approaches for exergy and energy improvement analysis. This book can be used as a tool for understanding new concepts in this emerging field and as a reference for researchers and professionals working on the integrated cogeneration of power 3 947 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Historias Y Poemas de Una Lucha de Clases / Stories and Poems of a Class Struggle (Dalton Roque)(Paperback)
"The revolutionary the dictatorship couldn't kill, the trickster poet favored by the gods."--Ben Ehrenreich, author of The Way to Spring: Life and Death in Palestine Poems of revolution by one of Latin America's most beloved poets One of Latin America's greatest poets, Roque Dalton was a revolutionary whose politics were inseparable from his art. Born in El Salvador in 1935, Dalton dedicated his life to fighting for social justice, while writing fierce, tender poems about his country and its people. In Historias y poemas de una lucha de clases / Stories and Poems of a Class Struggle, he explores oppression and resistance through the lens of five poetic personas, each with their own distinct voice. These poems show a country caught in the crosshairs of American imperialism, where the few rule the many and the many struggle to survive--and yet there is joy and 464 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

The I Love Trader Joe's Plant-Based Cookbook: 150 Delicious Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes Using Foods from the World's Greatest Grocery Store (Cramer Kris)(Paperback)
Discover an updated variety of vegetarian and vegan dishes whipped up with the low-budget, easy-to-acquire ingredients from everyone's favorite grocery store-Trader Joe's(R)! Just as Trader Joe's is the ultimate one-stop shop to stock up on tasty, eclectic foods for all dietary lifestyles, so too is the I Love Trader Joe's Plant-Based Cookbook! Designed for veteran vegetarians, fresh vegans, and curious carnivores alike, this handy cookbook comes with easy-to-follow recipes for delicious, animal-free dishes, including: Tasty Tofu Scramble Tuscan Tomato Soup Almond-Glazed Green Beans Coconut Curry Polenta Tempeh Tacos African Peanut Stew Pasta with Creamy Tapenade Roasted Carrot Risotto Pumpkin Spice Cobbler And many more! Packed with simple instructions, 486 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Organic Church: Growing Faith Where Life Happens (Cole Neil)(Pevná vazba)
Churches have tried all kinds of ways to attract new and younger members - revised vision statements, hipper worship, contemporary music, livelier sermons, bigger and better auditoriums. But there are still so many people who aren't being reached, who don't want to come to church. And the truth is that attendance at church on Sundays does not necessarily transform lives; God's presence in our hearts is what changes us. Leaders and laypeople everywhere are realizing that they need new and more powerful ways to help them spread God's Word. According to international church starter and pastor Neil Cole, if we want to connect with young people and those who are not coming to church, we must go where people congregate. Cole shows readers how to plant the seeds of the Kingdom of God in the places where life happens and where culture is formed - restaurants, bars, coffeehouses, parks, locker 482 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Field Guide to Birds of Senegal and the Gambia: Second Edition (Borrow Nik)(Paperback)
This comprehensive and fully updated edition of Birds of Senegal and The Gambia is the ultimate guide for travellers and birdwatchers visiting one of Africa's richest birdwatching regions. The Gambia, together with the country that envelops it, Senegal, has an avifauna of more than 700 regularly occurring species, including many Western Palearctic migrants from September to April, and a significant list of highly sought-after resident West African birds, including the Egyptian Plover. This authoritative guide covers all species, including details of all residents, migrants and known vagrants. Senegal and The Gambia offer a true wealth of birdlife, including a fantastic selection of Sahel specialities that are far more easily seen here than anywhere else. Senegal has become a reliable locality for Golden Nightjar, Quail-plover and Cricket Warbler, and the 990 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

101 Career Myths Debunked: The Ultimate Career Planning Workbook (Campbell Elizabeth L.)(Pevná vazba)
What if everything you know about careers is false? Bombarded by toxic misinformation about unemployment and failing career prospects, job hunters are often halted by fear. 101 Career Myths Debunked is essential reading for college students, job hunters, and career changers to discover the myths holding them back and reveal the surprising truths and practical steps that will set them on the path to career success. Written by a counseling psychologist and career psychology expert, 101 Career Myths Debunked is your personal career coach and ultimate planning guide. This easy-to-use workbook will show you how to boost your confidence and build a life you love. It walks you through the entire career development process and helps you deal successfully with everything you need to consider. You'll learn practical new ways to move forward from your present uncertainty 3 456 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Micro to Quantum Supercapacitor Devices (Misra Abha)(Pevná vazba)
Supercapacitors have established their role as high-power density devices capable of storing energy for multiple cycles; these devices are more plentiful than batteries. This book outlines the fundamentals of charge-storage mechanisms in different configurations of supercapacitors. It describes the supercapacitor-related phenomena, state-of-the-art supercapacitor technologies, design and fabrication of electrodes, supercapacitor materials, macro-supercapacitor, planar supercapacitor, significance of electrode design, merits, demerits of current technologies, and future directions. It also details related physics, including prospective materials and electrode parameters. Features: Provides understanding of the device architecture, electrode design, and pros-cons of classical supercapacitors Explains material design in the context of electrochemical energy 2 903 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Focus Exam Practice: Pearson Tests of English General Level 4(C1)(Paperback / softback)
FOCUS Exam Practice: Cambridge English Key for Schools offers students intensive exam practice and support, and works alongside the Students' Book. Powered by Practice Tests Plus, it combines realistic exam practice with guidance and strategies for dealing with each exam 260 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

The Amur River: Between Russia and China (Thubron Colin)(Paperback)
"A gripping read with fascinating political insight." (Sunday Times, London)"Elegant, elegiac and poignant...Thubron is an intrepid traveler, a shrewd observer and a lyrical guide... to the river, much of it along the border between these two powers at a time of rapid and tense reconfiguration of global geopolitics." (Washington Post)The most admired travel writer of our time--author of Shadow of the Silk Road and To a Mountain in Tibet--recounts an eye-opening, often perilous journey along a little known Far East Asian river that for over a thousand miles forms the highly contested border between Russia and China.The Amur River is almost unknown. Yet it is the tenth longest river in the world, rising in the Mongolian mountains and flowing through Siberia to the Pacific. For 1,100 miles it forms 543 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Hooked on a Feline (Kelly Sofie)(Mass Market Paperbound)
Librarian Kathleen Paulson and her inquisitive cats find themselves in a jam when a musician turns up dead, in the newest installment of this New York Times bestselling series. It's summer in Mayville Heights, and Kathleen Paulson and her detective boyfriend, Marcus, are eager to attend the closing concert of the local music festival. The concert is a success, but then one of the band members is discovered dead shortly after it. At first it's assumed the death is a robbery gone wrong, but Kathleen suspects foul play--and she's certain that she, along with her trusty side-cats, Owen and Hercules, can help solve the murder. Before his death, Kathleen had noticed the victim in the library researching his genealogy, and when she and Marcus take a closer look at the man's family tree, they begin to think a previous death of one of his relatives now seems suspicious. 232 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Martin Parr: The Non-Conformists (Parr Martin)(Pevná vazba)
In 1975, fresh out of art school, Martin Parr moved to the picturesque Yorkshire Pennine mill town of Hebden Bridge. Over a period of five years, he documented the town in photographs, showing in particular the aspects of traditional life that were beginning to decline. Susan Mitchell, whom he had met in Manchester and later married, joined Parr in documenting a year in the life of a small Methodist chapel, together with its farming community. Such chapels seemed to encapsulate the region's disappearing way of life. Here Martin Parr found his photographic voice, while together he and Susie assembled a remarkable and touching historic document--now published in book form for the first time. The book takes its title from the Methodist and Baptist chapels that then characterized this area of Yorkshire and defined the fiercely independent character of the town. Non-Conformist Methodists 822 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Marriage Game - Enemies-to-lovers like you've never seen before (Desai Sara)(Paperback / softback)
Fall in love with this sexy TikTok romcom that pits an aspiring entrepreneur against a ruthless 235 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Oxford Reading Tree: Level 6: More Stories A: The Shiny Key (Hunt Roderick)(Paperback / softback)
The Level 6 Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories provide humorous storylines to engage and motivate children. The popular characters and familiar settings are brought to life by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta. The stories are unchanged from the previous edition but the cover notes have been updated to support adults in sharing the story with the 189 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

The Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods and Goddesses (Illes Judika)(Pevná vazba)
Enter the World of Spirits The Encyclopedia of Spirits is a comprehensive and entertaining A to Z of spirits from around this world and the next. Within these pages meet love goddesses and disease demons, guardians of children and guardians of cadavers. Discover Celtic goddesses and goddesses of the Kabbalah, female Buddhas, African Powers, Dragon Ladies, White Ladies, Black Madonnas, the Green Man, the Green Fairy, lots and lots of ghosts, djinn, mermaids, fairies, and more. From the beneficent to the mischievous, working with these spirits can bring good fortune, lasting love, health, fertility, revenge, and relief. Discover: The true identities of over one thousand spirits (as well as their likes and dislikes)How to communicate with specific spirits for your own benefitHow to recognize these spirits 635 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Horace Kallen Confronts America: Jewish Identity, Science, and Secularism (Kaufman Matthew J.)(Paperback)
During his more than fifty-year writing career, American Jewish philosopher Horace Kallen (1882-1974) incorporated a deep focus on science into his pragmatic philosophy of life. He exemplified the hope among Jews that science would pave the way to full and equal integration. In this intellectual biography, Kaufman explores Kallen's life and illuminates how American scientific culture inspired not only Kallen's thought but also that of an entire generation. Kaufman reveals the ways in which Kallen shaped the direction of discussions on race, ethnicity, modernism, and secularism that influenced the American Jewish community. An ardent secularist, Kallen was also a serious religious thinker whose Jewish identity, as unique and idiosyncratic as it was, exemplifies the modern responsiveness to the moral ideal of authenticity. Kaufman shows how one man's quest for authenticity contributed to 744 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Invitation to Love 20th Anniversary Edition: The Way of Christian Contemplation (Keating O. C. S. O. Thomas)(Paperback)
Invitation to Love provides a road map for the journey that begins when Centering Prayer is seriously undertaken. Pointing to some of the recognizable landmarks on this journey, as well as to its ultimate destination, Father Keating addresses common questions regarding contemplative practice: How will it affect my life? Where does it lead us spiritually? What obstacles will I encounter along the way? How does it work? Following on from Open Mind, Open Heart, this book establishes a dialogue between the insights of contemporary psychology and the classic Christian spiritual masters, providing a solid conceptual background for the practice of Centering Prayer. This is a practical book, articulating the stages of the process of spiritual growth, and outlining how we might develop a deeper relationship with God and move from contemplation to 460 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

A Voyage Across an Ancient Ocean: A Bicycle Journey Through the Northern Dominion of Oil (Goodrich David)(Pevná vazba)
In the face of widespread misinformation and misunderstanding, a climate scientist ventures into the vast heart of America's new oil country on just two wheels. Recently recovered from his epic bicycle journey that took him from the Delaware shore to the Oregon coast, distinguished climate scientist David Goodrich sets out on his bike again to traverse the Western Interior Seaway--an ancient ocean that once spread across half of North America. When the waters cleared a geologic age ago, what was left behind was vast, flat prairie, otherworldly rock formations, and oil shale deposits. As Goodrich journeys through the Badlands and Theodore Roosevelt National Park and across the prairies of the upper Midwest and Canada, we get a raw and ground-level view of where the tar sands and oil reserves are being opened up at an incredible and unprecedented pace. Extraordinary and 504 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Piano For Kids: Teach complete beginners how to play instantly with the Musicolor Method - for preschoolers, grade schoolers and beyon (Ingkavet Andrew)(Paperback)
WHY EVERY PARENT & MUSIC TEACHER SHOULD USE THIS SONGBOOK Learning to make music provides an excellent path to development in children. Plus it is joyful and fun. But learning has not always been easy. Traditional methods start with abstract symbols and concepts. The author began searching for a simpler, more intuitive way to teach music to his then three-year-old son. In his search, he began combining ideas from the worlds of design, early childhood education, film scoring and even storytelling. Thus, the Musicolor Method(R) was born. For over a decade, it has become a proven way to quickly and gently introduce real music making skills to preschoolers and 370 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Bleach, Vol. 2, 2 (Kubo Tite)(Paperback)
Part-time student, full-time Soul Reaper, Ichigo is one of the chosen few guardians of the afterlife. Ichigo Kurosaki never asked for the ability to see ghosts--he was born with the gift. When his family is attacked by a Hollow--a malevolent lost soul--Ichigo becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace. Find out why Tite Kubo's Bleach has become an international manga smash-hit Immediately after checking into the Kurosaki Clinic with a mysterious scar on his back, the muscle-bound Chad goes AWOL. Accompanying Chad is a talking parakeet imbued with the soul of a young boy named Y ichi. It doesn't take newbie Soul Reaper Ichigo Kurosaki long to surmise that a Hollow must be involved--the strongest spirit he's faced to date. Ichigo is about to discover that not every soul is bound for the Soul 209 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Off Track Planet's Travel Guide for the Young, Sexy, and Broke: Completely Revised and Updated (Off Track Planet)(Paperback)
In this completely updated edition of Off Track Planet's comprehensive, uncensored travel guide, you have all the tools at your fingertips to reignite your sense of adventure and travel the world to over 100 destinations. The editors of Off Track Planet specialize in inspiring the young, sexy masses to get off their asses and out into the world. Conquer the world's greatest mountains, oceans, and footpaths, let your passion for food take you across the globe, party like it's your job, and hook up with locals from here to Timbuktu. In this guide you will: Find exciting, sexy, and -- most importantly -- free shit to do in every corner of the world Plan, pack, and get yourself halfway across the globe on a Cup-O-Noodles budget Discover charity projects that let you extend your travel and help a worthy causeAnd 360 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Bare-Faced Messiah: The True Story of L. Ron Hubbard (Miller Russell)(Paperback)
Bare-Faced Messiah tells the extraordinary story of L. Ron Hubbard, a penniless science-fi ction writer who founded the Church of Scientology, became a millionaire prophet and convinced his adoring followers that he alone could save the world. According to his 'official' biography, Hubbard was an explorer, engineer, scientist, war hero and philosopher. But in the words of a Californian judge, he was schizophrenic, paranoid and a pathological liar. What is not in dispute is that Hubbard was one of the most bizarre characters of the twentieth century. Bare-Faced Messiah exposes the myths surrounding the fascinating and mysterious founder of the Church of Scientology - a man of hypnotic charm and limitless imagination - and provides the defi nitive account of how the notorious organisation was 571 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

One Day at a Time: A Recovering Addict Shares Practical Wisdom (Larcombe Justyn Rees)(Paperback)
Through testimonial, anecdote, and scriptural references, this book allows the reader to share in recovery from addictions of all kinds--money, alcohol, smoking, eating, sex--and demonstrates how to avoid the traps of the modern 258 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Montreal at War, 1914-1918 (Copp Terry)(Paperback)
Montreal at War tells the story of how citizens in Canada's largest city responded to the challenges of the First World War. Drawing from newspapers, journals, government reports, and archival records, Terry Copp - one of Canada's leading military historians - raises important questions about how the Canadian war experience has been interpreted, and the ways in which hindsight has privileged some voices over others. Painting a picture of life in Montreal during the first years of the twentieth century, Montreal at War addresses responses to the outbreak of war in Europe and the process of raising an army for service overseas. It details the shock of intense combat and heavy casualties, studies the mobilization of volunteers, and follows the experience of battalions from Montreal to the Battle of Vimy Ridge. The crisis of conscription is described in the context 574 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

The Vision: 365 Days of Life-Giving Words from the Prophet Isaiah (Simmons Brian)(Imitation Leather)
The prophet Isaiah spoke words that reflected God's desire for humanity: victory, hope, comfort, and restoration. His message remains a call to those who long to live in God's realm of glory each day.The Vision offers 365 daily devotions and prayers to usher you into his presence. With Scripture from The Passion Translation(R), this devotional will bring you face to face with the King of love and mercy every day of the year. Encounter the fiery, living breath of the Word and experience a revelation to awaken your heart.It was because of our rebellious deeds that he was pierced and because of our sins that he was crushed. He endured the punishment that made us completely whole, and in his wounding we found our healing. Isaiah 426 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

James Herriot's Dog Stories (Herriot James)(Paperback / softback)
A classic collection of stories from the world's most popular vet, James Herriot, about the animal he loves the 281 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Dinosaurs Don't Have Bedtimes! (Knapman Timothy)(Paperback / softback)
Everyone has to brush their teeth, wash their hair and go to bed sometime - even 205 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Philosophers Explore the Matrix (Grau Christopher)(Paperback)
The Matrix trilogy is unique among recent popular films in that it is constructed around important philosophical questions--classic questions which have fascinated philosophers and other thinkers for thousands of years. Editor Christopher Grau here presents a collection of new, intriguing essays about some of the powerful and ancient questions broached by The Matrix and its sequels, written by some of the most prominent and reputable philosophers working today. They provide intelligent, accessible, and thought-provoking examinations of the philosophical issues that support the films. Philosophers Explore The Matrix includes an introduction that surveys the use of philosophical ideas in the film. Topics that the contributors tackle include: how a collaborative dream could differ from hallucination, the difference between the Matrix and the "real" world; why 1 355 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Bug Club Guided Plays by Julia Donaldson Year Two Lime Traffic Jam (McCaughrean Geraldine)(Paperback / softback)
Imaginative, humorous plays presented by celebrated children's author Julia Donaldson and part of Bug Club - the reading scheme loved by kids across the 262 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Accel World, Vol. 15 (Light Novel): The End and the Beginning (Kawahara Reki)(Paperback)
In the wake of the culture festival, a new challenge awaits Haruyuki in the fifteenth volume of the light novel series from acclaimed author Reki Kawahara 298 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Spinfluence: The Hardcore Propaganda Manual for Controlling the Masses: Fake News Special Edition (McFarlane Nick)(Pevná vazba)
Trump has it. Obama owned it. Putin would kill for it; if you've got Spinfluence, then you can twist the truth, influence opinion and control the masses. The new Fake News Special Edition of the Spinfluence comes fully loaded with the latest highly-classified information about the most toxic propaganda on the planet. Is Fake News responsible for a conman winning the Whitehouse? Who is really guilty of pedalling 'alternative facts'? The first edition of Spinfluence was banned in dozens of countries around the world, so get your hands on a copy of the new Fake News Special Edition and discover the secrets behind the spin... before it's too late. Spinfluence will appeal to crooked politicians, media manipulators and corporate big-wigs alike, in fact anyone interested in how to exploit people for profit or power. Covering fun techniques and tactics such as emotional hijacking, brainwashing 468 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Child's Treasury Of Nursery Rhymes (MacDonald Denton Kady)(Pevná vazba)
A beautifully illustrated gift edition of favourite nursery rhymes, with a free downloadable audio of 75 rhymes and 287 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Women as Wartime Rapists: Beyond Sensation and Stereotyping (Sjoberg Laura)(Paperback)
Very few women are wartime rapists. Very few women issue commands to commit sexual violence. Very few women play a role in making war plans that feature the intentional sexual violation of other women. This book is about those very few women. Women as Wartime Rapists reveals the stories of female perpetrators of sexual violence and their place in wartime conflict, legal policy, and the punishment of sexual violence. More broadly, Laura Sjoberg asks, what do the actions and perceptions of female perpetrators of sexual violence reveal about our broader conceptions of war, violence, sexual assault, and gender?This book explores specific historical case studies, such as Nazi Germany, Serbia, the contemporary case of ISIS, and others, to understand how and why women participate in rape during war and conflict. Sjoberg examines the contrast between the visibility of 846 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Keto Drinks: From Tasty Keto Coffee to Keto-Friendly Smoothies, Juices, and More, 100+ Recipes to Burn Fat, Increase Energy, and Bo (Gorsky Faith)(Paperback)
125 easy and delicious recipes for low-carb blended drinks--including coffee, juices, milkshakes, smoothies, and more-- perfect for any keto craving The search for the perfect keto drink has ended with these 125 recipes for drinks you can enjoy while staying in ketosis While typical smoothies, milkshakes, and other blended beverages include sugars and fruits that might prevent you from entering ketosis, that doesn't mean you can't still have your favorite drinks. These keto-friendly recipes focus on low-carb fruits, healthy fats, and a variety of vegetables so you can feel refreshed and satisfied In Keto Drinks you'll learn to make: -Blended Toasted Almond Coffee that will give you an early morning boost (and includes homemade toasted almonds) -Minty Smoothies that are actually filled with veggies and other healthy ingredients -Blended Beef 385 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Damned (Palahniuk Chuck)(Paperback / softback)
It's me, Madison'Meet Madison, whip-tongued daughter of a narcissistic film star and a billionaire, abandoned at a Swiss boarding school over Christmas while her parents are off adopting more 242 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

The Adventures of Hamish and Mirren: Magical Scottish Stories for Children (Miller Moira)(Paperback)
Hamish and Mirren live in a quiet farmhouse by a beautiful loch in Scotland. Quiet, that is, except for the talking sea urchin, singing sand, hungry fairies, sad bogle and grumpy witch This delightful collection of stories is a true Scottish children's classic. Moira Miller's characteristic wit and humor shine through, and Mairi Hedderwick's funny, charming illustrations bring gentle Hamish and his canny wife wonderfully to life for younger 186 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Devils' Line, Volume 4 (Hanada Ryo)(Paperback)
Tsukasa insists on seeing that Oryo is cared for at a hospital, defying Anzai's wish that she stay hidden at their safe house. Before she can even make it inside the hospital, Tsukasa is taken hostage by a desperate Zero Seven, who eventually makes a surprisingly humane choice when facing off with her old comrades. Tsukasa and Anzai decide to take the next step in their relationship, and the old doctor from ONLO reveals why he's in 317 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Since Time Immemorial: Native Custom and Law in Colonial Mexico (Yannakakis Yanna)(Pevná vazba)
In Since Time Immemorial Yanna Yannakakis traces the invention of Native custom, a legal category that Indigenous litigants used in disputes over marriage, self-governance, land, and labor in colonial Mexico. She outlines how, in the hands of Native litigants, the European category of custom-social practice that through time takes on the normative power of law-acquired local meaning and changed over time. Yannakakis analyzes sources ranging from missionary and Inquisition records to Native pictorial histories, royal surveys, and Spanish and Native-language court and notarial documents. By encompassing historical actors who have been traditionally marginalized from legal histories and highlighting spaces outside the courts like Native communities, parishes, and missionary schools, she shows how imperial legal orders were not just imposed from above but also built on the ground 2 848 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War. (Docherty Gerry)(Pevná vazba)
A new theory on how World War I started not with the assassination of ArchdukeFranz Ferdinand, but rather 10 years earlier, by power-hungry men whose lies have infiltrated history "Hidden History" uniquely exposes those responsible for World War I. It reveals how accounts of the war's origins have been deliberately falsified to conceal the guilt of the secret cabal of very rich and powerful men in London responsible for the most heinous crime perpetrated on humanity. For 10 years, they plotted the destruction of Germany as the first stage of their plan to take control of the world. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was no chance happening. It lit a fuse that had been carefully set through a chain of command stretching from Sarajevo through Belgrade and St. Petersburg to that cabal in London. Our understanding of these events has been firmly trapped in a web of 630 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

PDPAOLA Něžný stříbrný prsten se zirkonem Leaf Essentials AN02-842 54 mm
Šperky PDPAOLA jsou dodávané v originálním balení. 1 150 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Dumb Witness: A Hercule Poirot Mystery (Christie Agatha)(Paperback)
In this official authorized edition from the Queen of Mystery, Hercule Poirot investigates the very suspicious death of an elderly spinster who, fearing the very worst, had written to the great detective prior to her demise.Everyone blamed Emily Arundell's accident on a rubber ball left on the stairs by her frisky terrier. But the more she thought about her fall, the more convinced she became that one of her relatives was trying to kill her....On April 17th she wrote her suspicions in a letter to Hercule Poirot. Mysteriously, he didn't receive the letter until June 28th...by which time Emily was already 366 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Adventures with Birds (Kwek Karen)(Paperback)
Birds come in a dazzling array of sizes, shapes and colours, with abilities and behaviour worth making a song and dance about Do you know how hornbills make a home? Or why sparrows hop? Get ready to admire the peacock's stunning plumage, glide with the wandering albatross and dive with penguins From the everyday to the exotic, here are just some awesome representatives from this animal group that comprises more than 10,000 species 180 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Dramatic Story Structure: A Primer for Screenwriters (Fink Edward J.)(Paperback)
Entire libraries explore in great depth the many facets of the world of drama. In this handy primer, Edward Fink condenses centuries of writing about dramatic theory into a concise and readable guide to the fundamental principles of dramatic story structure. The structure of this book is straightforward. The first six chapters examine the six elements of drama discussed by Aristotle in 'The Poetics'. A seventh chapter discusses five additional concepts: unity, metaphor, style, universality, and 1 134 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Křídový popisovač Securit SMA510 šířka hrotu 2-6mm, Violet, 2ks, blistr
Křídový popisovač Securit SMA510 šířka hrotu 2-6mm, Violet, 2ks, blistrstřední stopy s hrotem 2 - 6 mm (balení dva kusy) ve fialové barvě píše na jakýkoliv neporézní materiál. Ideální pomocník pro vytváření nápisů a kreseb na světlé i tmavé tabule a produkty značky Securit. Na rozdíl od klasických kříd, je práce s křídovým fixem rychlá a čistá. S popisovačem nehrozí, že byste měli prsty celé barevné a pod tabulí se vám nebude kupit křídový prach.Popíšou jakýkoliv povrchProbuďte v sobě kreativitu a pomalujte jakékoliv kovové, plastové a skleněné materiály. Napište originální vzkazy na zrcadla, okna nebo dlaždice. Pojmenujte dózy v kuchyni a nechte děti pomalovat si bedny na hračky. Fantasii se meze nekladou. Nápisy neblednou na slunci, nehrozí náhodné rozmazání otěrem a lehký déšť přečkají bez úhony. Smažete je namočenou houbičkou / hadříkem, nejlépe s čističem Securit Cleaner (Secclean-Kl, Secclean-Gr).Do poslední kapkyUvnitř popisovače je zabudovaný praktický pumpovací systém. Při protřepání se uvnitř pohybuje malá kulička, která udržuje náplň tekutou a směřuje ji směrem k hrotu. Tam se nachází houbička a regulátor pro lepší průtok křídy. Křída začne z fixy vytékat po zatlačení na hrot.Značka Securit®V roce 1948 založil George Vermes továrnu na výrobu kuličkových propisovaček. Následné generace vyzdvihly tuto společnost tvrdou prací na současnou silnou pozici na trhu. Od samého začátku dynamicky reagují na světové trendy. Celosvětově se proslavili až v 90. letech minulého století, když vyvinuli křídový popisovač. Od té doby určují  vývoj ve světě vizuálních prezentací. Jejich hnacím motorem je neustálá inovace a zlepšování kvality i vlastností výrobků. Vlastnosti:Světlostálé, otěruvzdornéMnoho barev a šířek popisovačůPíšou na jakýkoliv neporézní povrchSetřít lze vodou (nejlépe s čističem Securit Cleaner)Čistá rychlá práce bez křídového prachuSpecifikaceHrot:Šířka: 2 - 6 mmBarva: fialováMateriál: plastNáplň: tekutá křídaHmotnost: 30 gRozměry (Š x V x H): 2 x 13,9 x 2 cmBalení:Počet kusů: 2Hmotnost: 100 gRozměry (Š x V x H): 12 x 22,5 x 2 cm  Technické specifikace se mohou změnit bez výslovného upozornění. Obrázky mají pouze informativní charakter. 202 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Osuška Soptík – hasička (Velikost osušky: 70x140cm)
Osuška má rozměr 70x140cm. Materiál je velmi příjemný na dotek a díky speciální technice výroby, kdy se smísí BA a PES vlákna. (50% Bavlna, 50% PES) Gramáž osušky: 400g/m². 679 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Cutie Diamonds Minimalistický prsten ze žlutého zlata s rubínem DZ8011-RU-X-1 52 mm
Pokud je šperk osazen více diamanty/brilianty, tak je uvedená hodnota karátů součtem všech karátů vsazených do šperku. Šperk je dodáván v originálním balení. 6 555 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

TREFL - Puzzle s hledáním obrázků Spy Guy: Pirátská loď 100 dílků
TREFL - Puzzle s hledáním obrázků Spy Guy: Pirátská loď 100 dílků Jedinečné spojení skládání puzzle a hledání motivů v složeném obrázku.Puzzle ze série Spy Guy od výrobce TREFL slibuje zábavu i po vložení posledního dílku na své místo.Po složení obrázku se totiž můžete pustit do zábavné hry.Po stranách rámečku jsou vyobrazeny nejrůznější motivy. Ty se schovávají i na složeném motivu.Vaším úkolem je najít všechny obrázky, které zdobí barevný rámeček puzzle. 185 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024