Polštářek srdcový - Nejlepší máma
Srdcový polštářek o rozměru 36x36cm je ideální dárek pro Vaši maminku nejen ke Dni matek, ale prakticky ke každé příležitosti. 96,3% spokojených zákazníků nám potvrdilo, že polštářek byl bezkonkurenčním dárkem. 399 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Víno Kvůli zbytečnostem (Druh Vína: Prosecco)
Rozměr etikety: cca 90x130mm u bílých a červených vín; cca 90x100mm u etikety Prosecca. 448 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Svíčka Hasičské legendy – Trambus (Vůně svíčky: Levandule)
Luxusní svíčka ve skleněné dóze s víčkem, která vydrží hořet až 100 hodin. Svíčka má hmotnost 500g. Díky těsnícímu uzavření zůstává vůně stále intenzivní a povrch svíčky je chráněný před prachem. 449 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Víno Myslivecká jízda (Druh Vína: Prosecco)
Rozměr etikety: cca 90x130mm u bílých a červených vín; cca 90x100mm u etikety Prosecca. 448 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Polštář Nejlepší fanoušci – měsíce (Velikost: 40 x 40 cm, Měsíc: 02 - Únor)
Luxusní polštářek s motivem vybraného měsíce narození pro hokejové fanoušky je milým a praktickým dárkem. Potisk je stálobarevný a otěruvzdorný. Snímatelný potah na zip + výplň. Materiál Interlock 100% PES, který je velmi příjemný. 379 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Svíčka Veselé Vánoce – vločky (Vůně svíčky: Višně v čokoládě)
Luxusní svíčka ve skleněné dóze s víčkem, která vydrží hořet až 100 hodin. Svíčka má hmotnost 500g. Díky těsnícímu uzavření zůstává vůně stále intenzivní a povrch svíčky je chráněný před prachem. 449 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Traser P67 Officer Pro Gunmetal Blue Nato
Hodinky Traser P67 Officer Pro Gunmetal Blue vychází vzhledově z oblíbeného modelu Traser Officer Pro Sapphire. Změnu hledejme, mimo jiného barevného zpracování, především v černění pouzdra metodou GunMetal, která je totožná povrchu zbraní a přidává na vojenském vzhledu. Z parametrů hodinek nabízí novinka roku 2018 ukazatel data, či antireflexní safírové sklo. To obstarává mimo tradiční odolnosti vůči poškrábání i potřebnou čitelnost za ostrého slunce.Ručičky a indexy jsou osazeny trubicemi s technologií… 11 000 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Far Cry: New Dawn CZ XBOX ONE
Sedmnáct let po globální nukleární katastrofě se civilizace přebírá z chaosu a objevuje dramaticky změněn svět. V Hope County, Montana, se skládající civilizace spojila do různých skupin, z nichž každá ma různá pravidla pro přežití. V tomto novém zřízení klan Highwaymen, který vedou sestry Mickey a Lou, cestuje z místa na místo a obírá lidi o všechny dostupné suroviny. Při neustálém boji mezi Highwaymen a ostatními přeživšími je pouze na vás abyste postavili jim pomohli a vedli je v boji.V dalším pokračování cenami ověnčené série Far Cry patříte do poslední obranné linie v post-apokalyptickém Hope County. Pomozte společenství přeživších vyrůst, vytvořte si provizorní arzenál a vytvářejte nepravděpodobné spojenectví pro přežití v novém nebezpečném světě. Bojujte o přežití v dech beroucím post-apokalyptickém světě. Pomozte vaší komunitě k růstu, vylepšujte si základnu a získejte přístup k mocnějším zbraním a výbavě. Bojujte proti klanu Highwaymen, vyrabujte jim základny a získejte drahocenné materiály. 389 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Taška Střelec (23.11. - 21.12.) - červená
Přestaňte se trápit papírovými taškami na jedno použití a zazařte originální taškou s potiskem s motivem tajemného znamení zvěrokruhu. Taška je z pevné textilie, která je otěruvzdorná, a proto tašku jen tak nezašpiníte. A pokud přeci jen ano, můžete ji bez obav vyprat v pračce. Taška má klasické rozměry 37 x 40cm, takže se do ní bez obav vejde menší nákup či pomůcky do školy nebo do práce. Délka uší je okolo 55cm, což je ideální rozměr pro nošení tašky i přes rameno. 349 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Taška Vodnář (21.1. - 20.2.) - červená
Přestaňte se trápit papírovými taškami na jedno použití a zazařte originální taškou s potiskem s motivem tajemného znamení zvěrokruhu. Taška je z pevné textilie, která je otěruvzdorná, a proto tašku jen tak nezašpiníte. A pokud přeci jen ano, můžete ji bez obav vyprat v pračce. Taška má klasické rozměry 37 x 40cm, takže se do ní bez obav vejde menší nákup či pomůcky do školy nebo do práce. Délka uší je okolo 55cm, což je ideální rozměr pro nošení tašky i přes rameno. 349 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

EDOX CO-1 Quartz Chronograph 10242-TIN-NIN
Sportovní ultralehké pánské hodinky EDOX CO-1 Quartz Chronograph 10242-TIN-NIN spadají do řady CO-1. Tato modelová řada je určena především milovníkům vodních sportů a potápěčských hodinek.Pouzdro hodinek je vyrobeno z kvalitního titanu a díky kombinaci s řemínkem z přírodního kaučuku nejvyšší kvality hodinky váží pouhých 130 g, což je činí velmi příjemnými na nošení. Černý ciferník chrání safírové sklíčko, jenž je vysoce odolné vůči poškrábání..Hodinky EDOX 10242-TIN-NIN jsou poháněny švýcarským… 34 950 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Uchycení pro houpačku - vrut s okem (pár)
Uchycení pro houpačku - vrut s okem (pár)Technická data:- uchycení pro houpačku - vrut s okem - počet vrutů: 2 - délka cca 14 cm - vnitřní průměr oka cca 4 cm - průměr vrutu cca 8 mm 159 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Epos Pocket Watch 2003.
Hodinky Epos Pocket Watch 2003. zaujmou elegantním vzhledem inspirovaným historickými modely kapesních hodinek a přehledným ciferníkem bílé barvy.Hodinky Epos Pocket Watch 2003. na první pohled upoutají vzhledem ciferníku, především jemnými ručkami a přehledným. Pouzdro hodinek je vyrobeno z mosazi, které je pokovené palladiem. Po obvodu číselníku najdeme arabské číslice, které umocňují historický a elegantní vzhled. Malá vteřinová ručka se nachází na pozici 6 hodiny. Hodinky… 37 710 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Náhrdelník Boccia Titanium 08021-01
Nádherný náhrdelník, který bude radost nosit. Tak bychom mohli vystihnout krásu jednoduše řešeného, minimalistického a přitom půvabného náhrdelníku z kolekce Boccia Titanium. Osloví vás nejen svým vzhledem, který zkombinujete s každým lookem, ale také svým provedením, kde hlavní roli hrají úzké a tenké dílky v matné i lesklé povrchové úpravě. Opravdu promyšlený šperk. Protože je náhrdelník vyrobený z titanu, je hezky lehký, pevný a zároveň hypoalergenní. Ocení jej tedy i osoby se zvýšenou citlivostí na… 2 890 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Deka Hasičem od roku (rok: 2010, Podšití beránkem: ANO)
Deka je vyrobena z Fleecu 190g/m² a z druhé strany je deka podšitá imitací beránka, která je velmi příjemná na dotyk. Rozměr deky 140x200cm. 2 099 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Tričko P-38 Lightning (Velikost: M, Typ: pro ženy)
499 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Deka MiG-15 (Podšití beránkem: NE)
Udělejte radost touto krásnou hřejivou dekou, která snadno najde využití v každodenním životě. Materiál deky je fleece 360g/m a rozměr deky je 140x200 cm. 1 249 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Hrnek Antideprese (Náplň hrníčku: Žádná)
299 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Brilio Zlaté kulaté náušnice s čirými krystaly 236 001 01045 07
Šperky Brilio jsou dodávané bez krabičky, kterou si můžete vybrat z naší nabídky . 6 379 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

JVD Jemné stříbrné náušnice se zirkony SVLE1218XH2BI00
Šperky JVD jsou dodávané bez krabičky , kterou si můžete vybrat z naší nabídky . 330 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Přebalovací taška Beaba Wellington Changing Bag Heather Grey
Hledáte univerzální přebalovací tašku, kterou využijete i později? Přebalovací taška Beaba má šedou unisex barvu a vypadá jako batoh. 1 619 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

toTs-smarTrike velký textilní košík Listy 400121 bílo-černý
Hledáte košíky na hračky či oblečení? Vyberte si dětský košík na hračky toTs-smarTrike s rozměry 45*40 cm poslouží k uložení hraček a oblečení. 339 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Cutie Diamonds Půvabný prsten z bílého zlata s briliantem DZ6818-1718-00-X-2 53 mm
Šperk je dodáván v originálním balení. 7 590 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Karlsson Nástěnné kyvadlové hodiny KA5796GY
1 808 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

JVD Budík Q SR672.4
279 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Liu Jo Layered TLJ1567
2 190 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 29.08.2024

Troli Královsky modrý šňůrkový náramek
99 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Preciosa Stříbrný náramek Tender Cross s kubickou zirkonií Preciosa 5338 00
Šperk je dodáván v originálním balení. 1 495 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

mamido Dětská sada na kolo - košík, zvonek, láhev růžová
Univerzální sportovní set vhodný na kolo nebo koloběžku v podobě košíku, láhve na vodu a zvonku pro každého cyklistu.Košík s nápisem a číslicemi se připevňuje pomocí 16 cm popruhů k volantu vozítka, zatímco držák na láhev má 19 cm.Sada obsahuje:Košík s úchopem na koloLáhevZvonekRozměry:Košík 12 x 20 x 15 cm (š, d, h)Láhev 15 x 6,5 cmZvonek 5,5 x 6 cm 579 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Swarovski Sada dvou prstenů Constella 5640959 52 mm
2 950 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Vostok Europe Energia Rocket Power Reserve Indication YN84/575A538S
Pánské hodinky Vostok Europe Energia Rocket Power Reserve Indication YN84/575A538S patří do modelové řady Energia Rocket. Eněrgija byla sovětská nosná raketa navržená pro vynášení raketoplánu Buran. Při jejím vzniku se také počítalo s možností vynášení částí vesmírných stanic nebo malých bitevních kosmických stanic. V případě přidání pomocných raket je nosič schopný dostat na oběžnou dráhu až cca 180 tun nákladu. Její vývoj byl započat po neúspěších rakety N-1. Pouzdro hodinek Vostok Europe Energia Rocket… 19 620 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

JVD Budík do sítě SB8005.1
890 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Bentime Dětské hodinky 002-9BA-5850U
612 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Can I Tell You about Sensory Processing Difficulties?: A Guide for Friends, Family and Professionals (Allen Sue)(Paperback)
Meet Harry - a young boy with sensory processing difficulties. Harry invites readers to learn about why he finds it hard to process sensory information effectively, and how even simple thing such as washing, dressing and coping with meal times can be challenging for him. He also talks about difficulties he faces at school and why large groups and loud noises are especially hard. He explains how other people can have different sensory processing issues and talks about what he and those around him can do to help. This illustrated book is ideally suited for readers aged 7 and upwards and occupational therapists, teachers, parents, family members and friends of those with sensory processing 379 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Holy Science (Yukteswar Swami Sri)(Pevná vazba)
This extraordinary treatise explores parallel passages from the Bible and the Hindu scriptures to reveal the essential unity of all religions. Swami Sri Yukteswar, the revered guru of Paramahansa Yogananda, outlines the universal path that every human being must travel to enlightenment. He also explains the vast recurring cycles of civilization, affording a profound understanding of history and the ever-changing panorama of turbulent world 494 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Science Squad (Winston Robert)(Pevná vazba)
284 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Business and Human Rights: History, Law and Policy - Bridging the Accountability Gap (Bernaz Nadia)(Paperback)
Business corporations can and do violate human rights all over the world, and they are often not held to account. Emblematic cases and situations such as the state of the Niger Delta and the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory are examples of corporate human rights abuses which are not adequately prevented and remedied. Business and human rights as a field seeks to enhance the accountability of business - companies and businesspeople - in the human rights area, or, to phrase it differently, to bridge the accountability gap. Bridging the accountability gap is to be understood as both setting standards and holding corporations and businesspeople to account if violations occur.Adopting a legal perspective, this book presents the ways in which this dual undertaking has been and could be further carried out in the future, and evaluates the extent to which the various initiatives in 1 575 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Cack-Handed - A Memoir (Yashere Gina)(Paperback / softback)
The British comedian of Nigerian heritage and co-executive producer and writer of the CBS hit series Bob Hearts Abishola chronicles her odyssey to get to America and break into Hollywood in this lively and humorous 258 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Fishing Boats Around Scotland: 30 Years of Photography (Drummond Peter)(Paperback)
For over 30 years Peter Drummond has roamed Scottish fishing harbours armed with at least one camera. Here then are the best monochrome images taken over that period showing a wide variety of vessel types ranging from former ring netters and drifter/seiners through more modern designs to the latest 21st Century pelagic vessels, with brief histories of the boats illustrated. Covering waters around Scotland both east and west, from Kirkcudbright to Mallaig and from Eyemouth to Burghead, as well as a detailed appendix of vessels, this photographic collection is something special for the maritime 509 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Flexi Violin 1 (Harris Paul)(Paperback)
Flexi Violin 1 is a refreshingly diverse collection for violin with both piano and violin duet accompaniments from leading educational authors Paul Harris and Jessica O'Leary. Suitable for Elementary level players, it features a wide range of composers: Hans Sitt, Ethel Smyth, Tekla Badarzewska-Baranowska, Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Maria Theresia von Paradis, Franz Schubert, Charles Dancla, and Fanny 286 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Dick the Delightful Duck (Umansky Kaye)(Paperback / softback)
Even the most delightful ducks can have a bad day . . . What's the matter with Dick the Duck? He's usually so kind and friendly!But today Dick got out on The Wrong Side of Bed. He feelshumpy and grumpy, cranky and cross. How can his friends cheer himup?A magnificently funny rhyming story about the power of kindness 210 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

All About Magnetism (Gray Leon)(Paperback / softback)
From magnetic fields to magnetic materials, find out all about magnetism and what it does in this fascinating book, including what lies ahead for our use of magnetism in the future. "Super Science" fact boxes give interesting stats and lesser-known facts so you can impress your friends with your science 233 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

3D Printing for Product Designers: Innovative Strategies Using Additive Manufacturing (Loy Jennifer)(Paperback)
3D Printing for Product Designers closes the gap between the rhetoric of 3D printing in manufacturing and the reality for product designers. It provides practical strategies to support the adoption and integration of 3D printing into professional practice.3D printing has evolved over the last decade into a practical proposition for manufacturing, opening up innovative opportunities for product designers. From its foundations in rapid prototyping, additive manufacturing has developed into a range of technologies suitable for end-use products. This book shows you how to evaluate and sensitively understand people, process and products and demonstrates how solutions for working with additive manufacturing can be developed in context. It includes a practical, step-by-step plan for product designers aimed at supporting the successful implementation of 3D printing by 1 129 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

The Medial Afterlives of H.P. Lovecraft: Comic, Film, Podcast, Tv, Games (Lanzendrfer Tim)(Pevná vazba)
Medial Afterlives of H.P. Lovecraft brings together essays on the theory and practice of adapting H.P. Lovecraft's fiction and the Lovecraftian. It draws on recent adaptation theory as well as broader discourses around media affordances to give an overview over the presence of Lovecraft in contemporary media as well as the importance of contemporary media in shaping what we take Lovecraft's legacy to be. Discussing a wide array of medial forms, from film and TV to comics, podcasts, and video and board games, and bringing together an international group of scholars, the volume analyzes individual instances of adaptation as well as the larger concern of what it is possible to learn about adaptation from the example of H.P. Lovecraft, and how we construct Lovecraft and the Lovecraftian today in adaptation. Medial Afterlives of H.P. Lovecraft is focused on an academic audience, but it will 3 843 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

A Different View (Koxvig Stian)(Paperback)
Poetry about feeling alone and different in a big normal world. Poetry about struggling with depression and mental health. Poems that tell stories that everyone can feel familiar with. A Different View is a poetry collection that is more relevant than ever in these days of people struggling with mental health issues and in a society that gets more and more 181 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Imagining the End: Mourning and Ethical Life (Lear Jonathan)(Pevná vazba)
"Imagining the End suggests, in a sober yet hopeful spirit, how mourning, rightly understood, can give meaning to our lives in the disenchanted times in which we find ourselves. In exploring the hopes that have failed us, the projects that have run into the sand, the loves we have lost, the attachments that have come to an end--a work of what amounts to creative mourning--we can develop a stance in the here and how from which the psyche can look outward and flourish. As he did earlier in his explorations of what it can mean to hope, Jonathan Lear here expands and deepens our understanding of what it can mean to mourn."--J. M. Coetzee, Nobel Laureate A leading philosopher explores the ethics and psychology of flourishing during times of personal and collective crisis. Imagine the end of the world. Now think about the end--the purpose--of life. They're 788 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Real World Ocaml: Functional Programming for the Masses (Madhavapeddy Anil)(Paperback)
This fast-moving tutorial introduces you to OCaml, an industrial-strength programming language designed for expressiveness, safety, and speed. Through the book's many examples, you'll quickly learn how OCaml stands out as a tool for writing fast, succinct, and readable systems code using functional programming. Real World OCaml takes you through the concepts of the language at a brisk pace, and then helps you explore the tools and techniques that make OCaml an effective and practical tool. You'll also delve deep into the details of the compiler toolchain and OCaml's simple and efficient runtime system. This second edition brings the book up to date with almost a decade of improvements in the OCaml language and ecosystem, with new chapters covering testing, GADTs, and platform tooling. This title is also available as open access on Cambridge Core, thanks to the support of Tarides. Their 1 228 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Bowie for Babies (Daviz Paul)(Board Books)
Baby's first rock star. It's never too early to start introducing your kids to the greatest musician who ever lived. Bowie for Babies is a vibrantly illustrated dip into David Bowie, perfect for parents to read with their young children. Transport them to life on Mars, where they'll meet Ziggy Stardust, Halloween Jack, Major Tom, and all their friends. With colorful illustrations for kids and text that's fun for parents to read, you can learn about Bowie together while they're still too little to play with your vinyl collection. 369 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

On the Way Out, Turn Off the Light: Poems (Piercy Marge)(Pevná vazba)
A bountiful group of poems--direct, honest, and revelatory--that reflect on language, nature, old age, young love, Judaism, and our current politics, from one of our most read and admired poets "Words are my business," Marge Piercy begins her twentieth collection of poetry, a glance back at a lifetime of learning, loving, grieving, and fighting for the disenfranchised, and a look forward at what the future holds for herself, her family and friends, and her embattled country. In the opening section, Piercy tells of her childhood in Detroit, with its vacant lots and scrappy children, the bike that gave her wings, her ambition at fourteen to "gobble" down all knowledge, and a too-early marriage ("I put on my first marriage / like a girdle my skinny body / didn't need"). We then leap into the present, her "twilight zone," where she is "learning to be quiet," learning to give 574 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Ten Poems about Flowers(Paperback / softback)
151 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Developmental Neuropsychology (Anderson Vicki)(Paperback)
This fully updated edition of Developmental Neuropsychology: A Clinical Approach addresses key issues in child neuropsychology with a unique emphasis on evidence-informed clinical practice rather than research issues. Although research findings are presented, they are described with emphasis on what is relevant for assessment, treatment and management of paediatric conditions. The authors focus on a number of areas. First, the text examines the natural history of childhood central nervous system (CNS) insult, highlighting studies where children have been followed over time to determine the impact of injury on ongoing development. Second, processes of normal and abnormal cerebral and cognitive development are outlined and the concepts of brain plasticity and the impact of early CNS insult discussed. Third, using a number of common childhood CNS disorders as examples, the 1 401 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Metaphysics: The Key Concepts (Effingham Nikk)(Paperback)
'Informative, accessible, and fun to read-- this is an excellent reference guide for undergraduates and anyone wanting an introduction to the fundamental issues of metaphysics. I know of no other resource like it.'- Meghan Griffith, Davidson College, USA'Marvellous! This book provides the very best place to start for students wanting to take the first step into understanding metaphysics.Undergraduates would do well to buy it and consult it regularly. The quality and clarity of the material are consistently high.' - Chris Daly, University of Manchester, UKEver wondered about Gunk, Brains in a Vat or Frankfurt's Nefarious Neurosurgeon?With complete explanations of these terms and more, Metaphysics: The Key Concepts is an accessible and engaging introduction to the most widely studied and challenging 998 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Project X Origins Graphic Texts: Dark Red Book Band, Oxford Level 17: Mixed Pack of 4 (Noble James)(Multiple copy pack)
Project X Origins is a ground-breaking guided reading programme for the whole school. This Graphic Texts pack contains 1 set of guided reading notes and 4 reading books, 1 each of: The Jurchen Recruits, Treasure Island, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Great Space 915 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 24.08.2024

One Dangerous Lady (Hitchcock Jane Stanton)(Paperback)
From Jane Stanton Hitchcock, New York Times bestselling author of sophisticated thrillers Trick of the Eye and Social Crimes, comes One Dangerous Lady, a gripping mystery about a socialite's daring investigation into the disappearance of a wealthy art collector. While in Barbados for a lavish high-society wedding, Jo Slater--once on the brink of social obscurity--is back on top of her game. But when her old friend, Russell Cole, disappears, Jo is convinced he's the victim of foul play--and that the perfectly manicured fingers of his latest wife, Carla, are all over the so-called accident. Back in Manhattan, Carla's stunningly fast rise up the social ladder adds fuel to Jo's suspicions. And when a mysterious figure from Jo's past returns and tries to bring her down, the Park Avenue set learns that, when crossed, she is one 360 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics (Spivak Gayatri Chakravorty)(Paperback)
In this classic work, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, one of the leading and most influential cultural theorists working today, analyzes the relationship between language, women and culture in both Western and non-Western contexts. Developing an original integration of powerful contemporary methodologies - deconstruction, Marxism and feminism - Spivak turns this new model on major debates in the study of literature and culture, thus ensuring that In Other Worlds has become a valuable tool for studying our own and other worlds of culture. 605 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Phoenix in Action (Lessel Geoffrey)(Paperback)
Summary Phoenix is a modern web framework built for the Elixir programming language. Elegant, fault-tolerant, and performant, Phoenix is as easy to use as Rails and as rock-solid as Elixir's Erlang-based foundation. Phoenix in Action builds on your existing web dev skills, teaching you the unique benefits of Phoenix along with just enough Elixir to get the job done. Foreword by Sasa Juric, author of Elixir in Action, Second Edition. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Modern web applications need to be efficient to develop, lightning fast, and unfailingly reliable. Phoenix, a web framework for the Elixir programming language, delivers on all counts. Elegant and intuitive, Phoenix radically simplifies the dev process. Built for 1 208 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Rigby Star Guided 2 Purple Level: The King of the Birds Pupil Book (single)(Paperback / softback)
The birds want a king, and decide that the king should be the bird who can fly the highest. The proud eagle is convinced he will win, but the clever little wren has other ideas. Illustrated by Mike 268 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Cultural Economics (Hellmanzik Christiane)(Paperback)
An introductory guide to the contribution to and role of the creative industries and their products and services in the overall 696 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Visions - Book 2 of the Cainsville Series (Armstrong Kelley)(Paperback / softback)

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

The Preparation of the Novel: Lecture Courses and Seminars at the Collge de France (1978-1979 and 1979-1980) (Barthes Roland)(Paperback)
Completed just weeks before his death, the lectures in this volume mark a critical juncture in the career of Roland Barthes, in which he declared the intention, deeply felt, to write a novel. Unfolding over the course of two years, Barthes engaged in a unique pedagogical experiment: he combined teaching and writing to "simulate" the trial of novel-writing, exploring every step of the creative process along the way. Barthes's lectures move from the desire to write to the actual decision making, planning, and material act of producing a novel. He meets the difficulty of transitioning from short, concise notations (exemplified by his favorite literary form, haiku) to longer, uninterrupted flows of narrative, and he encounters a number of setbacks. Barthes takes solace in a diverse group of writers, including Dante, whose La Vita Nuova was similarly inspired by the death of a 906 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

S Is for Snow (Mireles Ashley Marie)(Board Books)
A is for arctic . . .B is for boots . . .C is for chairlift . . .It's time to catch a winter chill With H for hot chocolate, J for Jack Frost, and T for toboggan, this colorful primer has everything you need to know about what makes the winter season cool. Take this wintry slope from A to Z, and you'll never want the snow day to end 181 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Sweet Poison Quit Plan - How to kick the sugar habit and lose weight fast (Gillespie David)(Paperback / softback)
A guide that tells you: How we each eat 2 pounds of added sugar a week; How food manufacturers feed our addiction by adding sugar to non-sweet products; How to remove sugar from your diet and eliminate its lifestyle habits; and How to interpret confusing labelling as you shop 259 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Magic Betsey (Blackman Malorie)(Paperback / softback)
No matter, in these four sweet and funny short stories, Betsey learns the importance of believing in yourself, that practise makes perfect, and that some magic is real . Beautifully illustrated by Jamie Smith, these warm and funny stories are ideal for building confidence in young readers, whether reading aloud or 181 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

The Day Before: A Prequel Novel (Riverdale, Novel 1), 1 (Ostow Micol)(Paperback)
Original stories from the hit CW television series Riverdale Based on the massively successful CW show, Riverdale, this prequel novel explores what the gang was doing before Season One. Why did Jughead and Archie have a falling out? What did Veronica's life look like in the Big Apple? And how long has Betty really been in love with Archie? Told from multiple points of view, your favorite characters tell their story their 180 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

A Sonata Theory Handbook (Hepokoski James)(Paperback)
Sonata form is the most commonly encountered organizational plan in the works of the classical-music masters, from Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven to Schubert, Brahms, and beyond. Sonata Theory, an analytic approach developed by James Hepokoski and Warren Darcy in their award-winning Elements of Sonata Theory (2006), has emerged as one of the most influential frameworks for understanding this musical structure. What can this method from the new Formenlehre teach us about how these composers put together their most iconic pieces and to what expressive ends? In this new Sonata Theory Handbook, Hepokoski introduces readers step-by-step to the main ideas of this approach. At the heart of the book are close readings of eight individual movements -- from Mozart's Piano Sonata in B-flat, K. 333, to such structurally complex pieces as Schubert's Death and the Maiden 1 421 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Fish, Fishing and the Meaning of Life (Paxman Jeremy)(Paperback / softback)
Includes ten entertaining themed chapters such as: 'Ones That Got Away', 'Ones That Didn't Get Away' and 'Fish That Bit Back'. This title features both contemporary and historical writing about fishing in prose and verse, covering everything from tench tickling to piranha 385 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Contemporary Painting (Hudson Suzanne)(Paperback)
The twentieth century brought radical changes in art--including the shift from modernism to postmodernism--which were accompanied by fierce debates regarding the place of painting in contemporary culture. Contemporary Painting argues that the medium has not only persisted in the twenty-first century but expanded and evolved alongside changes in art, technology, politics, and other factors, developing a unique energy and diversity.Renowned critic and art historian Suzanne Hudson offers an intelligent and original survey of the subject, organized into seven thematic chapters, each of which explores an aspect of contemporary painting, from appropriation to the ways in which artists address and engage the body. Hudson's inclusive and compelling text is sensitive to issues such as queer narratives, race, activism, and climate and demonstrates the continued relevance of 429 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Trades, Quotes and Prices: Financial Markets Under the Microscope (Bouchaud Jean-Philippe)(Pevná vazba)
The widespread availability of high-quality, high-frequency data has revolutionised the study of financial markets. By describing not only asset prices, but also market participants' actions and interactions, this wealth of information offers a new window into the inner workings of the financial ecosystem. In this original text, the authors discuss empirical facts of financial markets and introduce a wide range of models, from the micro-scale mechanics of individual order arrivals to the emergent, macro-scale issues of market stability. Throughout this journey, data is king. All discussions are firmly rooted in the empirical behaviour of real stocks, and all models are calibrated and evaluated using recent data from Nasdaq. By confronting theory with empirical facts, this book for practitioners, researchers and advanced students provides a fresh, new, and often surprising perspective on 2 275 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Easy Thai: A Complete Language Course and Pocket Dictionary in One! (Free Companion Online Audio) (Rattanakhemakorn Jintana)(Paperback)
Easy Thai is a practical resource that brings the Thai language to learners and travelers everywhere. This invaluable guide introduces all the basics of the language, as well as vocabulary and tips for typical daily conversation. All dialogues are highly practical, authentic and illustrated with manga for easy memorization. A complete language course and pocket dictionary in one, this book includes: Native-speaker audio recordingsFocus on daily communicationStructured, progressive lessonsAn extensive glossary of commonly used words & phrasesPronunciation & sentence structure guideEtiquette tips and cultural dos and 324 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

China and the International Order (Mazarr Michael J.)(Paperback)
As economic power diffuses across more countries and China becomes more dependent on the world economy, Chinese leaders are being forced to abandon their largely passive approach to global governance. This report analyzes China's interests and behavior to evaluate both the recent history of its interactions with the postwar international order and possible future trajectories. It also draws implications from that analysis for future U.S. 575 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Venus Star Rising: A New Cosmology for the 21st Century (Guttman Arielle)(Paperback)
Discover your unique talent and special gift to the world by identifying your Venus Star Point - a powerful, ground-breaking tool, never before utilized in astrology in this way. Prior knowledge of astrology is not necessary to gain meaningful and life-changing insights from the Venus Star and your personal connection to it. Use the easy table inside to locate your Venus Star Point - all you need is your date of birth.What is the Venus Star? Venus is the star of our solar system based on the five pointed star she traces in the heavens, again and again. Connect to this planet star energy to recognize its guiding and motivating influence in your 624 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

The Lean Six SIGMA Pocket Toolbook: A Quick Reference Guide to Nearly 100 Tools for Improving Quality and Speed (George Michael)(Paperback)
Vital tools for implementing Lean Six Sigma--what they are, how they work, and which to use The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook is today's most complete and results-based reference to the tools and concepts needed to understand, implement, and leverage Lean Six Sigma. The only guide that groups tools by purpose and use, this hands-on reference provides: Analyses of nearly 100 tools and methodologies--from DMAIC and Pull Systems to Control Charts and Pareto Charts Detailed explanations of each tool to help you know how, when, and why to use it for maximum efficacy Sections for each tool explaining how to create it, how to interpret what you find, and expert tips Lean Six Sigma is today's leading technique to maximize production efficiency and maintain control over each step in the managerial process. With The Lean Six Sigma Pocket 393 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Because of You I Am (Hogarth Sandy)(Paperback)
'Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run...'When Alice was ten, she shot rabbits with her father. Thirty-five years later, she's after bigger prey. Life hasn't been kind to Alice. Abandoned by her father at fourteen, she ran away two years later to 60s London, embracing all the darkness it had to offer when hopes of finding her father are lost. But that was the past and at thirty-seven she meets and marries Jake. They have a son, Adam, and life is perfection. But when he is killed in an accident six years later, her entire life comes crashing down. Buried under the weight of grief and guilt, Alice sets out on a path for revenge on the mother who killed her child. Teetering on the brink of sanity, she refuses to acknowledge the truth: what really happened on the way through the park on the day Adam died? The dominoes fall, sending Alice into 237 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 23.08.2024

The Real Economy: Essays in Ethnographic Theory (Neiburg Federico)(Paperback)
This collection highlights a key metaphor in contemporary discourse about economy and society. The contributors explore how references to reality and the real economy are linked both to the utopias of collective well-being, supported by real monies and good economies, and the dystopias of financial bubbles and busts, in which people's own lives "crash" along with the reality of their economies. An ambitious anthropology of economy, this volume questions how assemblages of vernacular and scientific realizations and enactments of the economy are linked to ideas of truth and moral value; how these multiple and shifting realities become present and entangle with historically and socially situated lives; and how the formal realizations of the concept of the "real" in the governance of economies engage with the experiential lives of ordinary people. Featuring essays from 704 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Ocean of Blood (Shan Darren)(Paperback / softback)
The epic tale of the vampire Larten Crepsley continues. The question is - how far can Larten go... 205 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Brilio Srdíčkové náušnice z bílého zlata EA977WAU
Šperky Brilio jsou dodávané bez krabičky, kterou si můžete vybrat z naší nabídky . 3 399 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Plant-Based Beauty: The Essential Guide to Detoxing Your Beauty Routine (Arnaudin Jess)(Pevná vazba)
A conscious guide to plant-based beauty The essential guide to detoxing your beauty routine. Plant-based beauty is part of a growing global movement that is not just about the food we eat but the choices we make when it comes to what we wear and the beauty products we use. We are more aware than ever that our personal actions have an effect both on our own levels of wellness and the health of the world around us. Plant-Based Beauty is a practical companion to your daily routine, helping you to truly understand the ingredients you are putting on your skin and replacing them with self-care rituals to look forward to. Jess Arnaudin helps to de-code the language, myths and science surrounding natural ingredients and shares recipes and her favourite beauty foods as part of her philosophy of "Inside Out 373 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Encountering Ideas of Place in Education: Scholarship and Practice in Place-Based Learning (Rawlings Smith Emma)(Paperback)
This book draws together theories, research, and practice on knowledges and pedagogies of place across educational settings.Using empirical research on learning across education systems, each chapter highlights different concepts of place in various contexts such as environments, understandings of place like those experienced by communities and opportunities for embedding place in learning. Chapters are co-constructed by authors working collaboratively across different contexts, tackling key themes such as justice, mobilities, changes, and sustainability, through place.The book indicates how educators can apply creative approaches to teaching within, through and about place in education and will therefore be of relevance to a wider range of academics, teachers and practitioners working in early years settings, schools, universities and other educational context. 1 110 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Oxford Reading Tree Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper: Oxford Level 4: Plants for Dinner (Heddle Becca)(Paperback / softback)
Roots, seeds, fruits or leaves? Discover what we can eat for dinner. The fiction pair book for this title is The Stinky Plant. Oxford Reading Tree Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper is a series of paired fiction and non-fiction books. These topic-linked pairings will develop children's reading comprehension and foster a love of 163 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Outside the Outside: The New Politics of Suburbs (Hern Matt)(Pevná vazba)
What the changing suburbs tell us about the future of the city in the 21st century One can no longer talk about the the urban center and the suburban periphery, and in Outside the Outside Matt Hern argues that we must rethink the entire identity of the city itself. Today the majority of the Western world lives in suburbs. Yet these neighborhoods that once offered security and respite from the perceived dangers of the city center have been radically transformed in the last few decades. While there is much talk of how gentrification displaces communities, there is little focus on where these communities are moved to. Outside the Outside maps these changes and also comes up with solutions on how to revive the social life of the city in the face of rabid financialization. In particular, Hern shows the rapid peripheralization of racial poverty. 489 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Boccia Titanium Snubní titanový prsten 0131-01 68 mm
Šperk je dodáván v originálním balení. 1 590 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Osuška Největší kanec (Velikost osušky: 70x140cm)
Osuška má rozměr 70x140cm. Materiál je velmi příjemný na dotek a díky speciální technice výroby, kdy se smísí BA a PES vlákna. (50% Bavlna, 50% PES) Gramáž osušky: 400g/m². 679 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Happy Medium - the unmissable new romcom sizzling with opposites-attract chemistry (Adler Sarah)(Paperback / softback)
Perfect for fans of Emily Henry, Beth O'Leary and Tessa Bailey: the new romcom from the author of Mrs Nash's 284 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024